Jonathan Mossberg Tag Archive

iGun CEO Jonathan Mossberg, smart gun visionary
CEO Jonathan Mossberg Smart technology fans might already know the “Mossberg” name from Walt Mossberg, the well-known technology journalist of Ctrl-Walt-Delete notoriety. Now more people are getting to know another …

Smarter Guns, A History
The history of smarter guns Smart guns and smart firearms safety technologies have had a banner year, having been featured in the New York Times, Fortune, and Uproxx, among many …

How ‘Smart Guns’ Could Eventually Help Shape US Foreign Policy
On Nov. 3, 1969, president Richard Nixon addressed the nation, at one point laying out what he said had “been described as the Nixon Doctrine,” a three-point foreign policy “to …

A Look At The ‘Smart Guns’ That Could Prevent Future Tragedies
Originally published in Business Insider. In the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary two years ago, President Obama signed an executive order to review the availability of …

Can ‘Smart Gun’ Technology Help Prevent Violence?
For years, many have dreamed of so-called smart guns, weapons that know their rightful owner and won’t fire in the wrong hands. Think James Bond’s gun in Skyfall. A few …