Fingerprint Archive

Columbus company unveils fingerprint activated firearm
Full story by Naomi Keitt here. COLUMBUS, Ga. – By the end of the year, a Columbus businessman is hoping to have some gun safety technology in the hands of …

Safe Gun Technology develops finger print sensor kit
Full story by Annie Hubbell here. COLUMBUS, GA (WTVM) – A Columbus company is testing a fingerprint sensor for guns that will only allow the owner to determine who has …

Smart Guns Save Lives. So Where Are They?
Written by Nicholas Kristof for the New York Times. BOULDER, Colo. — JUST after Christmas, Veronica Rutledge of Blackfoot, Idaho, took her 2-year-old son to a Walmart store to spend …

Georgia Firm Begins User-Testing of Fingerprint-Activated AR-15 Rifle
Members of Community and Law Enforcement Demo Prototype of Lifesaving User Authentication Retrofit Kit for Firearm COLUMBUS, GA —Two years after the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, …

How ‘Smart Guns’ Could Eventually Help Shape US Foreign Policy
On Nov. 3, 1969, president Richard Nixon addressed the nation, at one point laying out what he said had “been described as the Nixon Doctrine,” a three-point foreign policy “to …

A Look At The ‘Smart Guns’ That Could Prevent Future Tragedies
Originally published in Business Insider. In the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary two years ago, President Obama signed an executive order to review the availability of …

This Colorado Teen Is Championing Gun Safety With One Innovative Idea
Originally published by PolicyMic. Source: Smart Tech Foundation The news: A Colorado high school student, Kai Kloepfer, has developed a way to make guns exponentially safer: a fingerprint scanner that unlocks the weapon. …

Colorado High Schooler Invents Smart Gun That Unlocks With Your Fingerprint
Originally published by TechCrunch. Colorado has a history with gun violence so it’s only appropriate that 17-year-old Kai Kloepfer, a high school student from Boulder, would want to apply biometric …